I think barryrutherford opened a new can of worms regarding this subject matter.
Black lives matter just as much as White lives but not many people believe it because it is harder for us to blend into White society than other races. And there is none of the people of the book (Jews and Christians) But must believe in him (Jesus) Before his death; And on the Day of Judgment He (Jesus) will be a witness Against them.
Now I think I must read it! Morever,the current trinity lie is not different from the far eastern pagan religions:You say that since most Christians today are "Trinitarians" or polytheist trinitarian pagans who believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, then this must mean that their religion is Divine and Truthful.
You know what I mean? Ever wanted to know what it was like to be an animal, or robot? Let us flee this place." But he said to me, "I have told you, "Leave the blind alone!" And you, see how they do not know what they are saying. I am afraid because of what you have told me, that indeed little ones are, in our view, the counterfeit ones, indeed, that there are multitudes that will mislead other multitudes of living ones, and destroy them among themselves.
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