“Hacking the Human Mind, the Art and Science of Neuro-Weapons”.
About this Event
I am reaching out to you because there is going to be a very informative and enlightening lecture at Landmark's Kendall Square Cinema, Wednesday May 1st at 7:00 PM, and my hope is you will attend and encourage your students’ attendance. “Hacking the Human Mind, the Art and Science of Neuro-Weapons” and the ethical considerations of capable weapons, will be our topic of discussion.
MIT recently released to the press that they have developed lasers to transmit perceived audio, ranging from music to speech, to a person across a room without any receiver equipment. Charles M. Wynn said in press release, “It is the first system that uses lasers that are fully safe for the eyes and skin to localize an audible signal to a particular person in any setting.” In a paper published in the journal Optics Letters, the MIT team describes how it developed different methods to transmit tones, music, and recorded speech via a laser.
There is a wide range of applications from military “Voice of God Weapons” to civilian applications.
Technology is a tool. Like any other tool, it can be used for good or evil. This lecture hopes to discuss the perils of clandestine uses, as well as the good, so a balance and understanding can be reached. Often the Ivory Towers shield us from the evil of man.
What we would like you to consider is the possible abuse of such technology. If the recipient of these voices beamed into their heads remotely was not aware the technology existed, could they be convinced the voices were ghosts, demons, aliens, God or a mental illness?
Could they be driven to do things out of character? Commit crimes or hurt themselves or those around them?
I would like to invite you and your students to a virtual lecture followed by Q
American Targeted Individuals